Monday, December 21, 2009

Baby hit by train and survives - a miracle escape

A baby's miracle escape, a pram was slammed by a peak-hour train. Witnesses at a suburban Melbourne station feared the worst but were stunned when the six-month-boy was hauled from the tracks with little more than a bump on his head. The near-miss happened at Ashburton station as a city-bound train pulled into the station just after 4pm 15 Oct 2009.

The pram was carried 30 metres as the desperate driver tried to pull up the 250-tonne train. It ploughed into the pram at about 35km/h, dragging the child along beneath the front carriage.

Witnesses watched in horror, fearing the baby had no hope. But he was safely back in his mother's arms when ambulance officers arrived minutes later.


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